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Free Resources to Build your Resilience

Are you starting to feel the stresses and strains of life get on top of you?

Do you want to learn how to look after yourself better but not sure where to start?

Looking for tried and trusted tools to integrate into your everyday life?

Then you're in the right place!

Drawing on over 30 years of professional experience in the treatment room and the training room, these simple-but-powerful Tools for Resilience can get you back on track. 

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Get somewhere warm and cosy, lie down and let NO HANDS Master & Company Director, Tigger MacGregor, guide you through this beautiful simple yet oh-so-powerful moving meditation that you can do anywhere you've got warmth and a floor to lie on. 


It's possible to use our BREATH to build and maintain our resilience. All you need to know is HOW. People talk about THE BREATH a lot – “Now, just BREATHE…”  But how is that different from what we do every second of every day, without even thinking about it? And why is it so important to focus on the breath? These are key questions, and this 4 Breaths Meditation answers them, as well as explaining exactly how to get the most from the guided meditation (also included!)

"I use this breath a lot in my practice as I also practice yoga. It was wonderfully explained and demonstrated. Many thanks." Liz Gaffney, UK


Having learnt how to make the best use of your breath in the previous meditation, you can now expand your resilience-building meditation practice to include the Three Primal Movements

These movements can soothe our core nervous system at a level words simply can't reach. Learn how to incorporate these movements into a powerful meditation you can use as often as you like - plus access a complete guided meditation to put everything you've learned into practice.

"I’ve only just started with the Primal Movements, but the breathing has made a huge difference. It has an immediate effect on the nervous system and has an immediately calming and soothing effect on me if I’m feeling stressed or anxious about anything. I’ve actually got so I love doing my deep breathing! It feels like such a reward - especially the pauses after each inhalation and exhalation. It’s something I’d already been doing and have always felt that the pauses are more valuable than even the breaths, as they offer complete stillness to our body and mind. " Louise Boyce, UK

4) The Three Psychological Hungers

Part of building our resilience so we can be happy and healthy is making sure we are well fed - not just physically, but psychologically, too. In this lesson you'll learn about the Three Psychological Hungers and how you can make sure you're satisfying these hungers.

These tools are designed to be integrated into your day-to-day life. Building your resilience is just like exercise - we need to give it regular time and attention as part of our normal routine. Making it a habit is the true key to success. So get started now!

What people are saying about Tools for Resilience

"I feel very calm and centred after practicing them [the Three Primal Movements and 4 Breaths Meditations]. I have never practiced stroking, compression and rocking as part of a meditation before and it was very nurturing. We could all benefit from practicing this theory."
Christina Clayton

"The 4 Breaths Meditation is essential and comes at the right time, particularly after a severe respiratory infection last year. Then a reminder to Self-Care with the 3 Primal Movements: it feels so good and comforting in otherwise Social Distancing times. Thank you so very much for this free resource, I am enjoying watching, listening and journalling my experiences, it gives me a worthwhile focus now, as well as feeling fortuitous of ‘being in right place at right time.’"
Susan Smith

4 Modules

The Spinals: Moving Meditation

We have ALWAYS loved these "Spinals". Get yourself somewhere warm and cosy with space to lie and move on the floor and settle in - this recording is freely downloadable so you can take it wherever you feel most comfortable.

Enjoy! (and if you DO enjoy it, leave a comment and I'll get working on Spinals 2, and 3, and 4...they go WAY deeper than this, and even this one alone is fab!)

The 4 Breaths Meditation

The best thing we can be doing at any point – but particularly now! – is to build our resilience, and this self-healing series is about exactly that. In this installment we’re focusing on THE BREATH.

A lot of people talk about THE BREATH – “Now, just BREATHE…” – but how is that different from what we do every second of every day (without even thinking about it)? And why is it so important to focus on the breath? These are key questions, and this module address them all.

The 3 Primal Movements Meditation

The 4 Breaths meditation on its own is powerful - combining it with the 3 Primal Movements takes it to another level. You can also use this meditation as a stand alone tool.

BONUS: The 3 Psychological Hungers

Part of building our resilience so we can be happy and healthy is making sure we are well fed - not just physically, but psychologically, too. In this lesson you'll learn about the Three Psychological Hungers and how you can make sure you're satisfying these hungers.

Modules for this product 4
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