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Unique Clinical Support

Join us on the MASTERY PROGRAMME in 2025 for a




Having been "off the training menu" for at least 5 years, in 2024 we are bringing back the fabled TRANSFORMATIONAL TREATMENT.

  • You'll learn the unique NO HANDS TRANSFORMATIONAL TREATMENT protocol
  • You'll take your contracting to new heights as we delve into the additional work you need to do in a TRANSFORMATIONAL TREATMENT contract
  • You'll get to revisit treatment contracts and get a deeper understanding of how they can be used for ALL treatments - as well as the TRANSFORMATIONAL TREATMENT
  • You'll learn the infamous structural power-house that is CONTRAPUNTALS.

And you'll have the opportunity to receive

the TRANSFORMATIONAL TREATMENT as a client throughout the year

- **at least** once each module

"For me, Mastery is the best opportunity to get that ongoing support from my tribe! We speak the same 'language' which includes acknowledgement and gratitude for the power and gentleness of contractual touch; the understanding of what it actually means to strive to maintain that 'OK/OK' position in all my interactions, not just in the contract I take before a NH Massage; the safety, the reality check, the recognition and the personal growth that is there for me when I allow myself to be 'seen'.

I have been a student at Mastery since it's inception in 2004 and I believe that it has been a really important part of my journey of getting to know who I am, and to having clients who have shared their journey with me for so many years.

For me it is about really 'stirring the mud'. It is about growing and stretching and developing this amazing skill, artistry, & expertise that enables me to offer and to receive the comfort, the power, the life transforming potential of contractual touch in the form of NO HANDS Massage. A year of Mastery gives me the opportunity to do all this with the support of those fellow NO HANDers who also choose to share their precious time, enthusiasm, generosity, vulnerability and understanding of what NO HANDS Massage means for them."
Master Anita Mehrez

And there's more...

At Mastery you have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of existing strokes and principles, while also learning material beyond the core syllabus. Each module, each group, and each year is entirely unique. What we cover is guided entirely by the needs of that year's group. The range of possibilities is limited only by what you're ready to engage with - because if it relates to your clinical practice, it's fair game. 

Within that VERY broad scope, modules generally include:

FEEL TABLES Have your work felt by a NO HANDS Master and receive DIRECT FEEDBACK to refine your Touch, as well as the opportunity to put that feedback into practice straight away. The smallest adjustments can have a huge impact - and will have a ripple effect on all your strokes. Being in a group means you ALSO get to listen in on the feedback offered to your fellow therapists - bringing your awareness to strokes you may have "benched" or tweaks you could implement in your own practice.

CONTRACT INTO TREATMENT At the very core of NO HANDS is the ability both to get a clear contract from your client - and deliver what's been asked for! In these Contract into Treatment sessions you have the opportunity to be seen taking a contract and then translating that contract into the Touch section of the session. You'll receive tailored Strokes and How Tos to help you focus on your own unique next step. These sessions take place either as a whole group or in smaller, more "cosy" groups of 4 or 5. 

Therapist massaging a client's back with her hands"Mastery for me did not make sense. I knew all my massage strokes, I had a full clinic, so why should I need any more? Somehow my body knew what I needed so in true NO HANDS style, I listened…and WOW my body knew best! Mastery has literally and completely changed my life. It has calmed me down and opened me up and made me realize and face things about myself that I never knew. I have now claimed my rightful place in the world and continue to grow each day, each touch, I never want this journey to end!! If you’re hesitating I would say…leap! Don’t think…feel – you won’t regret it!"
Miranda Davis

NEW (OLD) STROKES: the strokes taught in the core syllabus are more than enough for most treatments - but if someone in the group asks for a particular focus on one particular part of the body one of the "old favourites from the archive" may be brought out. As with every stroke we teach, you'll have the opportunity to see, feel and deliver that stroke so you can fully appreciate its scope before introducing it to your clinical practice.
Many of these strokes can now ONLY be learned at Mastery.

DEEPENING PHILOSOPHIESNO HANDS is built on a significant body of philosophies and theory. These are touched on throughout the core training but, much like some of the strokes that have been culled from the core syllabus, there are many aspects that only emerge when a specific clinical issue is raised. At Mastery there's the space to explore this material in more depth - and see how it can bring even greater potency to your own clinical practice. 

Melanie Thompson, NO HANDS Massage Therapist

"Support, support, support and still more support. The friendship and community of Mastery is wonderful. Deepening my understanding of the work I do as a Massage Therapist. Increasing my ability to clearly communicate, both with my clients and into my life. After each module finding my work with clients improves. And finally, even more support.
Melanie Thompson

STROKE SURGERY: your chance to revisit strokes that you either struggle with or don't use very often and want a refresh on. You can choose to have a "Hot Couch", where you show the group how you work with that particular stroke and then get feedback from Tigger and Wendy with suggestions how to make it work for you Or you can ask to have the stroke re-demonstrated so that you and the group can then go off and practice to your hearts content, with input from the trainers if needed.

CONTENT GUIDED BY YOU: each module is crafted around the needs and requests of the group. There will always be a module outline ready to go but this flexes to accommodate the clinical issues which are most pressing for you. You may have something you've been working on for some time and want to go deeper with. It may be something that emerges the day before the module. Whatever it is all you need to do is let the course team know at the beginning of the course and we'll weave all these requests together. The more you put in - the more you get out.

    Additionally, the Mastery Programme is the place to be if you want to become a Master. For full details of the Mastery Assessment process click here

    New NO HANDS Masters in 2017

    Dates: (all Saturday to Monday)

    • Module 1: February 17th - 19th 2024
    • Module 2: June 8th - 10th 2024
    • Module 3: November 2nd - 4th 2024

    Easily accessible by public transport and road links, Mastery in Morecambe gives you the chance to book the accommodation that suits you - from a simple B&B to the luxury of The Midland - and enjoy the incredible sunsets and sunrises on the Prom. 

    Standard price: £2699 inc VAT: click to pay in full or to pay in installments click here

    1 Module

    Dates for 2025 coming SOON

    In 2025 the Mastery Programme will take place in Morecambe, Lancashire again. Dates to be confirmed very soon!

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