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Using Touch to release Trauma

NeuroTouch offers you the skills, and the confidence, to reclaim Touch as a powerful healing tool for you and your loved ones.

Tools you can learn FROM HOME 

This online training teaches you everything you need to know to give and receive simple and powerful clothed Touch in your home. 
Interested in attending our 2-day live training? Get in touch for the latest dates and locations

You don't need any special equipment - you just need someone to do NeuroTouch with and a commitment from both of you to make time to come to the training AND do regular NeuroTouch exchanges after the course. We suggest 3-4 times per week for at least 3 months, but even once a week is a good starting point.

Reclaiming Touch

NeuroTouch on the head


It's the first sense to develop, and the last to fade.   

Yet for too long Touch has been seen either only in its extremes (Touch in sex, or Touch in violence) or as a "pamper", a nice to have - and something which can be prohibitively expensive at that. Despite both scientific research papers and our natural instincts showing that Touch is essential to health and wellbeing at every stage of life. Now more than ever, after the lockdowns and restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, getting powerful, informed and safe Touch in our lives is massively important.


Developed by Massage therapist and psychotherapist, Gerry Pyves, NeuroTouch combines clear Transactional-Analysis informed communication with the wisdom of over 30 years clinical experience seeing what kind of Touch really "works" time and time again.  You will learn:

  • The three primal movements and how to deliver these to another human
  • The cutting edge neuroscience behind these movements - and the role they could play in resolving trauma gently and for good
  • The 7 core checks to make at the beginning of each NeuroTouch exchange to keep both you & your buddy safe
  • The key to great Touch 
  • Some great self-healing tools for between your NeuroTouch exchanges with your buddy
  • The different set ups - using both "household items" and professional equipment - for a comfortable NeuroTouch exchange
  • The where, when and with whom to make the most of your NeuroTouch exchanges

...and much more.

The Benefits

NeuroTouch is designed to activate the body’s own inherent ability to heal itself through safe, respectful Touch. The range of conditions it has helped grows almost daily, with reported benefits including:

  • Two women doing NeuroTouchReduced anxiety
  • Increased calmness and resilience
  • Greater energy & stamina
  • Improved relationships
  • Greater effectiveness at work
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced aches and pains
  • Relief from chronic medical conditions
  • Increased connection with life purpose
  • Healing of old injuries

“NeuroTouch was the one thing that lifted me out of 18 months of low mood and feeling stuck.”

Sarah was in her late 30s when she was hit by anxiety, low mood, low energy and a feeling of “What’s the point?” She tried exercise, psychotherapy, meditation, journalling – but what made the difference was NeuroTouch.

“I almost couldn’t believe it – I felt like I was back to ‘the old me’. It wasn’t from any particular NeuroTouch session – it was the cumulative effect. And having seen the power of it, I’m committed to keeping going – to continue to build my resilience and, well, just because I love it!”

Payment options

Option 1: Monthly subscription £15 per month 
Option 2: Lifetime membership a one-off payment of £199 

All prices include VAT

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Payment Options

 Option 1: Monthly access (recurring payment)
 £ 15.00 GBP  ( then £15.00 GBP a month )
 Option 2: Lifetime access
 £ 199.00 GBP

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