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We live in a world where a lot of money is made by making us feel inadequate - and hence need to buy the next "great product/experience". It's not enough to have a loving community and a simple life - you need a bigger house, a shinier car, a more toned belly, different coloured hair, make-up that obscures the lines and marks on your skin that make you, you. The list goes on. You know this list. You live this list.
This constant yearning and striving for more, bigger, better in every aspect of our lives is double edged. Without a doubt. If there weren't scientists and researchers yearning and striving for knowledge and understanding we wouldn't have vaccines. If there weren't artists and musicians yearning and striving for their next creation we wouldn't have that piece of art that makes our heart sing, that piece of music that brings back memories more vividly than anything else. If there weren't clinicians yearning and striving to be the best they can we would have far more illness.
But this yearning and striving has got out of control and can be incredibly damaging. It feeds our insecurities. It makes us question our judgment. It pushes us in directions which are outright damaging - but are presented as the "thing that must be done."
In my own therapeutic Touch journey it manifested as "I can't set up my practice until..." Until I had a long list of treatments to offer. Until I had exactly the right clinic room. Until I had more time in my life to dedicate to my clients...
Yet the most powerful invitation I've ever received during my Massage training was: We're here. We'll be here. Come when you're ready. And if you want to come, but are worried you won't be good enough: come any way. Because you are good enough. Because You Are Enough.
Because You Are Enough.
Ooft. That was a biggie. Still is. Goes against every marketing message I've ever experienced (consciously or otherwise). The cynics among you may argue this is reverse psychology at its best. But the feeling I get from it (still) is so different.
As it turns out the person who communicated this to me is now a dear friend - these weren't marketing words to her. They were, and are, her absolute truth. This is a woman who has more integrity in her little finger than I've seen demonstrated by the entire UK government put together. So I think it's fair to say this wasn't reverse psychology: this was truth. There was no part of feeling bad about not doing - simply an invitation to "do" if it felt right.
The woman in the story is the first NO HANDS Master, Geraldine Scott. The training company she was talking about is the NO HANDS Massage Company. An organisation I now have the great privilege of leading into its next phase.
We're here. We'll be here. Come when you're ready. And if you want to come, but are worried you won't be good enough: come any way. Because you are good enough. Because You Are Enough.
Because You Are Enough.
Thanks for reading,
Master Tigger MacGregor
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