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The NO HANDS Massage Company was founded in 2001 by NO HANDS creator, Gerry Pyves. Over the years NO HANDS has developed and evolved but always under one simple yet powerful mission statement:
To heal the world through the power of transformational touch
You can read the full mission statement at the end of this post
The NO HANDS story started with one therapist (Gerry) desperately wanting to continue to share the power of touch but finding himself injured. By finding a way both to work without injury and to meet his clients' need for powerful touch NO HANDS grew into the exciting training programme it is today. Thousands of Massage practitioners have already benefitted from learning NO HANDS and the launch in 2017 of the online peer-review course means therapists around the world now have access to this career saving information wherever they are.
If this a mission statement that resonates for you, we'd love to hear from you.
The NO HANDS Massage Company Mission Statement
To heal the world through the power of transformational touch
Our deepest truth cannot harm anyone or anything - it can only make the world a better place. Much that is wrong with our world is because we have allowed ourselves to become disconnected from this truth.
Powerful touch in a safe environment can reconnect every person in the world with their deepest truth. If everyone on this planet were connected with their truth there would be no war, no famine, no poverty and no environmental damage.
The sole purpose of the NO HANDS Massage Company is to transform the world we live in by training and supporting individuals to provide transformational touch to as many people as possible.
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