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News The Tortoise and the Hare

The Tortoise and the Hare


Dawn Cree, one of our ADVANCED Practitioners, recently volunteered at the London Marathon offering Massage to runners raising money for the Heads Together campaign. Our Association is full of generous therapists giving freely of the time and skills both on a regular basis and at one-off events like this - hats off to each and every one of you! Dawn also took her NO HANDS learning to a deeper level being amidst "non-NO HANDers" and she has shared a great write up with us:

 Last Sunday I supported the Heads Together campaign London Marathon runners as a massage therapist, the only NO HANDer, within a team of 22 to give 700 athletes a little recovery time. Setting up ready with the usual pillows for support and towel over, the coordinator made fun questioning if a runner had already fallen asleep on my table, whilst the rest of the team wrapped their equipment in cling film ready to facilitate easy wipe down. 

Lots of cheering as runners were shown through. The atmosphere was absolutely incredible. I kept my approach steady and slowww… but in change over I noticed everyone else pummelling at a fast rate of knots with runners in supine position. I began to doubt whether I’d got it right, then at the back of my mind I could hear Master Mimi's voice “listen to your hara” and Master Carl’s “breathe” so continued to pour this powerful medicine into the thirsty muscles. Initial feedback was very good. 

Although the event was beyond my comfort zone, I found it helped on a sole level. It was so inspiring and humbling to listen to the varied reasons for taking part. A massive turning point to break down barriers for mental health awareness. Repletion for those hearts and minds through safe touch. There’s nothing quite like it.


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