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Quantum Healing Group

Great to have you here! I'm Gerry Pyves and on this page you'll learn more about the What, How, Why and Who of Quantum Healing Groups.

You may already have heard about this from your local Quantum Healing Facilitator. This page gives you the complete picture and gets you primed and ready to get started on your own Quantum Healing Group journey.

What you get

Coupled with your weekly live sessions with your Quantum Healing Facilitator this product gives you all the resources you need to make the most of your own Quantum Healing Group. It includes:

  • Practical training videos on different ways to meditate
  • Explanations of the theory behind each aspect of your group
  • Recorded meditations you can use even before your group starts
  • Psycho-education from a recognised Psychotherapy Trainer on core human interaction models
  • A private Facebook group to share your experiences with other participants across the globe 

...and much more.

Not only does this package alongside live sessions with your facilitator give you a complete experience of being in a Quantum Healing Group, you'll also learn skills and knowledge you can apply in every aspect of your life.

What's covered each week?

The training materials cover all the aspects of a safe, successful and powerful Quantum Healing Group:

  • Introductions, Safeties & Group Agreements
  • The Structure of each session, the Namaste Bow, How to 'Intend', using the 4 Breaths
  • How to Track Resilience & using the 3 Primal Movements
  • Music & Prosody, the Visualisations, who we intend for
  • Making communication safe & effective 
  • Closing well & next steps

After each live session there will be space to feedback on how the group is going for you and ask questions.   

Joining a group

All of our group facilitators have been trained personally by me, Gerry Pyves, to run these groups safety and effectively. The materials you can purchase on this page give you everything you need to make the most of your live sessions with your facilitator (for just £9.99).

Please note, you will need to have a device with reliable internet connection to join a live (online) Quantum Healing group

After you have purchased these materials, you will need to book and pay separately for your online (live) sessions with your facilitator direct. 

Find your Facilitator

Jayne Driver 07947 609283 www.jaynedriver.com jaynedriver@gmail.com

Sabrina Falco 07521 476 573 www.zenfalco.com zenfalco@hotmail.co.uk

Gillie Hazzledine 01332 863334 gilly.highflyers@yahoo.com

Pauline Hinge 07977 172063 www.hingehealth.co.uk hingehealth@gmail.com

Samantha Lacey - Blake 07967197997 Facebook sammie@holisticwellbeingcorporate.co.uk

Ros May 077948 97048 intra_beauty@yahoo.co.uk

Karen Shaw 07919 093571 www.creesideclinic.co.uk creeside.clinic@gmail.com

Susan Smith 07817 685506 suethesmith@hotmail.com 

Melanie Thompson 07971 422632
www.becalm.org.uk Facebook melanie@becalm.org.uk 

Amanda Watson 07740 717999 www.amandawatsonholistictouch.co.uk Facebook amandawatsonholistictouch@hotmail.com 

Thinking of becoming a Facilitator?

If you are a therapist who is thinking of training as a Quantum Healing facilitator check out the full details of how to do this by clicking here.

What people are saying about being in a Quantum Healing Group

Sabrina Falco"I felt a real sense of belonging in the Quantum Healing group. I am not a sociable person on a daily basis but it was great to make an effort to join this group, feeling the connection and be able to be real and feel safe at the same time." Sabrina Falco

Susan Roberts"I have loved being in a supportive group, to have a feeling of not being alone,  to have space to voice things, and to have a set time to connect." Susan Roberts


Miranda Davis"It pulled me out of a downward spiral of depression and for that I will be eternally grateful." Miranda Davis

"It felt good to give myself the structure of meeting and doing something with a group. I also found the connection with like minded people really helpful during this isolated period of lockdown. I feel more resilient because of the whole experience and able to function better." Sarah Marolia


"It provided structure, a strong sense of belonging to something greater than myself. The weekly session provided an anchor which was comforting, something to return to again and again. It made me accountable. Done alone, I'd probably not demonstrate the same level of commitment. The sense of being in a group was uplifting, empowering, and supportive." Jan Normanton


"Being in the Quantum Healing group was a great life experience and a real eye opener for me. I can really see and feel the power of these groups. This is definitely a safe place to be connected for healing on all levels." Alaine Hah

Juliet Pleming"I am really pleased I did it. It challenged my feelings about being part of a group: patterns of not being accepted from my childhood. It was really lovely to have those contradicted, and also to realise that others had many similar feelings too." Juliet Pleming


Mimi Ness"The Quantum Healing group has given me a sense of purpose and structure. It’s changed my thinking around meditation. It’s given me the strength to cope with the self isolation and boosted my energy levels. I feel stronger and more focused. I found it incredibly beneficial for me in terms of building my own resilience. It was at times very moving, and very healing. Hearing how the group are dealing with their own struggles and challenge reminds me that I am not alone. I have support." Mimi Ness


Sandra Morris"I loved the structure. It gave me focus and a better understanding of how being in a safe group enables such a great connection." Sandra Morris



Dave Morris"I found the group meditation powerful and my mood was very bright & positive afterwards." Dave Morris


Amanda Watson"Being part of this group gave me a reason to get up. Doing the meditations gave me some structure.  The feedback from the other group members of their experiences was really encouraging as it was real and true.   This helped me see and connect with others outside of my home. It gave me a greater understanding of what is going on for people during this time.  I could relate to some of the things the group members were thinking and feeling, this also helped me to feel like I was in a place that I belonged and that my thoughts and feelings were also valid." Amanda Watson

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I agree to the Terms & Conditions of Sale and Privacy Policy. Remember, here you are purchasing access to all the materials needed for this training - you will need to book & pay for your live (online) sessions with your facilitator. 

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