The Complete 4Elements Approach - click here
This article was originally written and published back in 2009 (!!) yet the wisdom it brings is absolutely timeless. "NO HANDS / NO HANDS Massage" was the precursor to the 4Elements approach and Geraldine Scott, the author of this article, was fundamental to its development and codification. The 7 Postural Keys are still among the core foundations of everything we do. Enjoy! TM
“I have now completely lost count of the number of NO HANDS courses I have attended and taught. Every course I attend teaches me more about NO HANDS and the power of touch and at the same time every course simply reinforces for me the core principles of NO HANDS - the 7 Postural Keys.
In each of the books in the NO HANDS Trilogy Gerry [Pyves] writes more about these principles and at the Mastery Programme we have the time to look into them even more closely.
Long ago I realised that for me the 7even NO HANDS Postural Keys were in fact much more than just
postural keys – they were keys I could use in every sphere of my life, they could help me whenever
there was a decision to make, particularly major decisions.”
HARA – does this decision feel right in my guts?
SOLE – am I in touch with reality here, feet on the ground or am I floating in a dream world?
FLOW – does this decision flow naturally from my fundamental beliefs about what is right and what is
wrong and what is important in life?
FALLING – OK so now I’ve made the decision will I fall into it? In other words
am I fully committed to this decision, will I do everything in my power to follow
through on this decision?
SUPPORT – am I using all the support around me both in making the decision
and in following through?
SHIRE –the decision is made – so go for it now, no procrastination, no maybe
tomorrow, just do it!
KNEELING – kneeling always speaks to me of humility – in all my decision making for all the care I take and the commitment I show the truth is I may get it wrong and if so I simply need to recognise my mistake, admit my error, learn from it and make the next decision.
Now what shall I have for breakfast?!!
Best wishes
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