The Complete 4Elements Approach - click here
Sadly, injury from being a Massage therapist is a very real problem.
Time and again studies have found that 70-80% of practicing Massage therapists are carrying injury - and that's not including everyone who've opted out of the profession entirely.
Even worse, time and again I see therapists asking colleagues "What am I doing wrong? It must be my fault..." when injury starts creeping in.
In so many cases what's actually happening is that techniques designed to be used as only a fraction of a physiotherapy-type session are being used day in, day out, and are simply too much for our bodies. As a healing profession, the desire to care for our clients often outweighs our own wellbeing: a recipe for disaster.
The strokes, philosophies and applied theories you learn on our three-day Zero Strain Massage course address all these issues and more. It may feel like turning everything you've learned on its head - but thousands of students before you can testify it's worth it!
You'll learn how to deliver Touch which is deep, powerful and pain-free for your clients...and for you.
You'll learn how to utilise all of your body and give yourself a tai chi session, a yoga class and a workout at the gym...every time you deliver a treatment.
You'll receive loads of this awesome Touch, great for your own wellbeing AND for understanding the full potency of this work.
Not only is Zero Strain Massage great for protecting yourself from physical injury, it can also take your practice to a whole new level of holistic, client-led healing. Your role as therapist gets even more important for your clients as they take their treatments even deeper. This is why Zero Strain Massage is just one part of the overall 4Elements Touch Therapy approach.
You can learn more about the course, including our upcoming dates + early booking prices here - or get in touch with any questions.
We'd love to help you protect yourself - and your therapy business - for many years to come.
Tigger MacGregor
4Elements Co-Founder and Director
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